Wynnum Fringe Privacy Policy

Wynnum Fringe Privacy Policy

Privacy of Presenters & the Public

Statement of Commitment

Wynnum Fringe (Wynnum Fringe, we, us, our) respects and is committed to protecting the privacy of its artists, employees, prospective employees, venues and the general public (you).

In order to provide effective services to you, the Wynnum Fringe may need to collect certain personal information. Wynnum Fringe has a commitment to the security of your information and recognises that any personal information we collect about or from you will only be used for the purposes for which we have collected it or as allowed under the law.

Wynnum Fringe is committed to abiding by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Act, available on the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner: https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/australian-privacy-principles/read-the-australian-privacy- principles/ (together, Australian Privacy Laws).

The purpose of this Privacy Statement is to assist you to understand the way Wynnum Fringe manages your personal information.

1.         Personal information

When we refer to personal information we mean information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether or not that information is true or recorded in material form. It does not include information where the identity has been removed (i.e. anonymous information).

2.         Collection, use and disclosure of personal information


2.1.      At all times we try to only collect the information we need for the particular function or activity we are carrying out.

2.2.      The type of personal information that we collect from you will vary depending on your interactions with us but may include:

•          Name

•          Company name

•          Postal address (primary and secondary)

•          Email address

•          Telephone (work, home, mobile)

•          Job title

•          Date of birth/age range

•          Gender

•          ABN (for Wynnum Fringe registered artists)

•          Bank account details (for Wynnum Fringe registered artists presenting a ticketed event)

•          Transaction and payment details relating to any purchases you make with us

•          Specific interests in our program or activities

•          Specific interests in particular events or venues involved with Wynnum Fringe

•          Details relating to your previous attendance at Wynnum Fringe festivals as well as other arts attendances and interests

2.3.      The main way we collect personal information about you is when you give it to us. For example, Wynnum Fringe may collect personal information about you in the following ways:

•          When you make a purchase through tix.wynnumfringe.com including the purchase of tickets, vouchers, and merchandise

•          When you request information from us

•          When you register as an artist

•          When you register as a venue

•          When you register an event

•          When you apply for a job with us

•          When you subscribe to our mailing lists

•          When you visit our website (through the use of cookies)

•          When you enter an Wynnum Fringe competition or promotion

•          When you complete an Wynnum Fringe survey

•          When you RSVP to an invitation or event hosted by Wynnum Fringe

2.4.      We use social media sites including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Pinterest, Yelp, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Snapchat, TikTok to communicate with the public about our functions and activities. When you communicate with us using these services we may collect your personal information and share it, but only to help us to communicate with you and the public. These social medial sites will also handle your personal information for their own purposes. These sites have their own privacy policies, which can be accessed at their respective websites.

2.5.      Any information or content created by you that is in the public domain may be shared by Wynnum Fringe. This may include, but is not limited to, publicly accessible information on social media sites, blogs forums, TikTok and websites. Wynnum Fringe will endeavour to credit content creators wherever possible.

2.6.      When you use our website or mobile applications we may collection information about your location or activity including IP address and whether you have accessed third party sites, the date and time of visits, the pages that are viewed, information about the device used and other user location information.

Use and disclosure

2.7.      Wynnum Fringe will only use or disclose your personal information where we have a legal basis for doing so, including where reasonably necessary for our functions and activities, or by your consent.

2.8.      Wynnum Fringe may use personal information collected from you in the following ways:

•          To contact you regarding your booking and advise you of cancellations, venue and time changes, or to inform you of updated information relating to the events or venues you have purchased tickets for

•          To provide your details to the venue or event, in order for important information regarding the venue or event for which you have purchased tickets to reach you

•          To post out your tickets, vouchers, and/or merchandise

•          For personal identification when you collect your pre-purchased tickets

•          For personal identification if you have lost your tickets or they have been stolen and need replacing

•          For personal

•          To complete financial transactions and where applicable, process your credit card payment and/or refund transactions for tickets, vouchers, and/or merchandise

•          To compile data on the preferences of attendees of Wynnum Fringe events in order to improve future services and programming

•          To pass on to the artist/event organiser if you have authorised us to do so during the booking and account registration process. During this process, you will be asked if you would like to receive information from the artist/venue/event organiser for the events you have purchased. If you give your consent, we may forward this information (name, postcode and email only) to the artist/event organiser if they request it. Wynnum Fringe is not responsible for the management or use of this information. If you no longer wish to receive this information from them you will need to contact the artist/event organiser to unsubscribe.

•          To pass on to an Wynnum Fringe promotional partner/s if you have authorised us to do so during a competition or promotion entry process. During this process, you will be asked if you would like to receive information from the promotional partner/s. If you give your consent, we may forward this information (name, postcode and email only) to the promotional partner/s if they request it. Wynnum Fringe is not responsible for the management or use of this information. If you no longer wish to receive this information from them you will need to contact the promotional partner/s to unsubscribe.

2.9.      Wynnum Fringe may also use your personal information in the following ways:

•          To provide you with further information which may be of interest (including updates and offers) if you have voluntarily subscribed to the Wynnum Fringe e-news

•          To send you SMS offers if you are a Fringe Member

•          To respond to you regarding employment enquiries

•          To contact you in response to your specific Wynnum Fringe enquiries

•          To contact you regarding the status of your Wynnum Fringe account, including to notify prize winners

•          To thank our staff, artists, venues, sponsors, volunteers and supporters

•          If disclosure of your personal information is required by law

•          For targeted marketing, both direct and indirect, via electronic mail and social media

•          For any other reasonable business purpose which will enable Wynnum Fringe to better service your needs or protect the Wynnum Fringe and associated individuals from harm

2.10.    Wynnum Fringe may share your personal information to the following:

•          Our related bodies corporate, contractors or service providers for the purposes of operation of our website or our business, fulfilling requests by you, and to otherwise provide products and services to you including, without limitation, ticketing providers, web hosting providers, IT systems administrators, mailing houses, couriers, payment processors, data entry service providers, electronic network administrators, debt collectors, and professional advisors such as accountants, solicitors, business advisors and consultants

•          To suppliers and other third parties with whom we have commercial relationships for business, marketing, and related purposes

•          Another organisation for any authorised purpose with your express consent

•          Artists, venues or events taking part in Wynnum Fringe, whom you have expressly opted to receive communication from, during the Wynnum Fringe ticket transaction process

2.11.    If you no longer wish to receive communication from Wynnum Fringe registered artists, venues, events or from Wynnum Fringe partners and suppliers once you have opted to receive communications through www.wynnumfringe.com, you will need to contact the relevant party to unsubscribe.

Direct marketing

2.12.    From time to time we may use your personal information to provide you with current information about offers you may find of interest, changes to our organisation, or new products or services being offered by us or any company with whom we are associated.

2.13.    These communications may be sent in various forms, including by telephone, post, fax, email SMS or any other form of electronic communication in accordance with the Australian Privacy Law and the Spam Act 2003 (Cth).

2.14.    If you do not wish to receive marketing information, you may at any time decline to receive such information by telephoning us on 0411 405 733 or by writing to us at hello@wynnumfringe.com. If the direct marketing is by email you may also use the unsubscribe function. We will take all reasonable steps to meet your request at the earliest possible opportunity.

Facebook Conversion Tracking Pixel and Facebook Custom Audiences

2.15.    Our website utilises the Conversion Tracking Pixel service of Facebook Inc. (https://www.facebook.com).

2.16.    This tool allows us to follow the actions of users after they are redirected to our Website by clicking on a Facebook advertisement. We are thus able to record the efficacy of Facebook advertisements for statistical and market research purposes. The collected data remains anonymous. This means that we cannot see the personal data of any individual user. However, the collected data is saved and processed by Facebook. Facebook is able to connect the data with your Facebook account and use the data for their own advertising purposes, in accordance with Facebook’s Data Use Policy found under https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/. Facebook Conversion Tracking also allows Facebook and its partners to show you advertisements on and outside Facebook. In addition, a cookie will be saved onto your computer/device for these purposes.

2.17.    We also allow embedding of Facebook Conversion Tracking Pixels on our website by relevant events and venues on their respective event and venue webpages.

2.18.    Our website also utilises the Custom Audience Tool from Facebook Inc. (https://www.facebook.com). We use Facebook Custom Audiences to deliver advertisements to Website Visitors on Facebook based on email addresses that we have collected. You may learn more about Facebook Custom Audiences by visiting https://www.facebook.com/business/help/341425252616329.

2.19.    We may display interest-based ads to you when you are using Facebook through this tool, allowing us to personalise our ads based on your shopping experience with us. We do not share any of your personal information, including your shopping history, with Facebook. The tool lets us convert your email address to a unique number that Facebook uses to match to unique numbers Facebook generates from email addresses of its users.

2.20.    Please click here if you would like to revoke your permission:



2.21.    Where practicable, we will allow you to interact with us anonymously or using a pseudonym

2.22.    When creating an account on www.wynnumfringe.com, when you make a purchase over the phone or at a Wynnum Fringe Box Office, we ask you to provide your name and a method of contact, which can be an email address or phone number. We require this information from you in order to provide you with the best possible customer service experience so that we can notify you of any event or venue changes relating to your transaction. We also need valid credit or debit card details if you want to buy tickets. This is so that we can process your transaction.

2.23.    Should you not wish to provide Wynnum Fringe with any contact details when purchasing tickets, you have the option of making an anonymous cash payment at the venue Box Office within 30 minutes of the event commencing. If you choose to make an anonymous cash payment, you will be doing so with the knowledge that Wynnum Fringe will not be able to make contact with you to notify you of any event or venue changes or cancellations and will not take any responsibility for failure to contact you.

3.         Storage of information

3.1.      The information that we collect from you may be stored on our secure servers and, in respect of payment information, on those of our third party provider of payment processing services purely for the purposes of processing payment.

3.2.      The information we collect from you may be processed by staff who work for us or for one of our suppliers. Such staff may be engaged in, among other things, the hosting of the Website and App and/or provision of support services. By submitting your personal information, you agree to this storing and/or processing. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your information is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy and the Australian Privacy Laws.

3.3.      Wynnum Fringe does not store your credit card information for future transactions without your permission. Instead, a token containing your payment details remains (in an encrypted format) within our payment processing provider’s secure network, in compliance with data protection legislation and any other applicable laws, regulations or standards, until it expires (cancellation or expiration of card) as dictated by the payment processing provider.

3.4.      If at point of transaction, you select and authorise for your card to be stored to speed up any future transaction, our secure payment provider will store this information against your account. No transaction can occur without your authorisation and the entering of your card’s unique CVV. Wynnum Fringe suggests that you create strong passwords for your Wynnum Fringe account so that only you have access to make purchases using your stored card on our website.

4.         Cookies / collecting information from websites

What is a cookie?

4.1.      Cookies are small data files transferred onto computers or devices by websites for record-keeping purposes and to enhance functionality on the website.

4.2.      Cookies help a website to remember information about your visit. This can make your next visit easier and the site more useful to you. Without cookies, the Wynnum Fringe website would treat you like a new visit every time.

How does Wynnum Fringe use cookies?

4.3.      When you visit the Wynnum Fringe website, we may collect personal information from you automatically through cookies including:

•          your IP address and or domain name

•          your operating system (type of browser and platform)

•          the country you are accessing the website from

•          search terms and pages visited

•          referring domain and link out if applicable

•          the date, time and length of your visit to the website

4.4.      We use these cookies to serve you with advertisements that may be relevant to you and your interests, to ensure we don’t display advertisements to you repeatedly, and to help us regulate the advertisements you receive and measure their effectiveness. We also use these cookies to remember your preferences as you navigate the Wynnum Fringe website, for example by remembering the items in your shopping cart.

4.5.      Wynnum Fringe may also collect information about how you use its websites to help us personalise our products and services to you. We use Google Analytics to inform us of how visitors use our site based on your browsing habits, so that we can improve our site to make it easier for you to find the information you are seeking. These features use first-party and third- party cookies to inform and optimise content based on your past visits to our site. Google Analytics does not identify individual users. Google Analytics is subject to its own privacy policy. For more information about how Google uses your data please visit www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners

4.6.      The Wynnum Fringe website may contain links to other external websites. Wynnum Fringe is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of websites that it may link to and, cookies or other tracking devices that are used on linked websites.

How to manage your cookies

4.7.      Cookies are sent to your browser (such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari) by a website and then stored in the cookies directory of your device.

4.8.      To find out how to allow, block, delete and manage the cookies on all standard web browsers, go to www.aboutcookies.org and select the browser and version you are using. You’ll also find information about how to delete cookies from your computer. For the majority of browsers this can be done through your preferences control panel.

4.9.      If you use a mobile phone or handheld device to browse the Wynnum Fringe website or third- party sites that use cookies, please refer to your phone or device manuals for guidance.

4.10.    If you disable or refuse cookies, some parts of the Wynnum Fringe website may become inaccessible or not function properly.

Online advertising

4.11.    Wynnum Fringe also engages in online advertising to keep you up to date with our activities and products, and we target ads to you while you are visiting third-party websites and apps. We do this using a variety of digital marketing networks and ad exchanges, and we use a range of advertising technologies including web beacons, pixels, ad tags, cookies, and mobile identifiers, as well as specific services offered by some sites and social networks, such as Facebook’s Custom Audience service.

4.12.    The advertisements you see while browsing third-party websites will be based on information we hold about you, including your previous transactions or interactions with Wynnum Fringe, or interactions with previous advertisements. We do not otherwise track any information about your use of other websites.

4.13.    We use the “visitor action pixels” from Facebook Inc, which act in a similar way to cookies by allowing user behaviour to be tracked after they have been redirected to the Wynnum Fringe website by clicking on a Facebook ad. This enables us to measure the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes.

4.14.    The information collected in this way is anonymous to us, i.e. we do not see the personal information of individual users. However, this information is stored and processed by Facebook, and Facebook may link this information to your Facebook account and also use it for its own promotional purposes, in accordance with Facebook’s Data Usage Policy https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/.

4.15.    A cookie may also be stored on your computer for these purposes. You can opt-out of Facebook’s use of cookies and Facebook Pixel Re-Marketing through settings on your Facebook Account. https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=ads.

4.16.    Wynnum Fringe may also use Facebook Custom Audiences to deliver advertisements to Website Visitors on Facebook based on email addresses that we have collected, including, but not limited to, Wynnum Fringe accounts and e-newsletters. We may also use information associated with visitor social media accounts, such as demographic and other information to improve our marketing efforts and deliver custom advertising.

5.         Access to, removal and correction of your personal information

5.1.      Under the Australian Privacy Laws you have the right to ask for access to personal information that we hold about you, and ask that we correct that personal information.

5.2.      You can ask for access, removal or correction by contacting us and we must respond within a reasonable period. If you ask, we must give you access to your personal information, and take reasonable steps to correct it if we consider it is incorrect, unless there is a law that allows or requires us not to. We can also remove you entirely from our databases and ticketing system. You have the right to be forgotten across our network.

5.3.      You can contact us at any time to remove your data:

Wynnum Fringe Office Phone: 0411 405 733

Email: hello@wynnumfringe.com Post: PO BOX 475, Wynnum 4178

5.4.      You can also update your information by logging into your account on www.wynnumfringe.com. Here you can also update your contact preferences and opt in and out of correspondence from us.

6.         Mandatory data breach and privacy complaints process

6.1.      Wynnum Fringe is aware of and shall comply with the mandatory data breach reporting obligations under the Australian Privacy Law.

6.2.      If you wish to complain about how Wynnum Fringe has handled your personal information, you may do so by contacting hello@wynnumfringe.com or by calling 0411 405 733.

7.         Contact details

7.1.      For further information about your personal information held by Wynnum Fringe, privacy issues and this privacy statement, please contact Wynnum Fringe on:

Phone: 0411 405 733

Email: hello@wynnumfringe.com Post: PO BOX 475, Wynnum 4178

8.         Amendment of privacy statement

8.1.      Wynnum Fringe reserves the right to amend this privacy statement from time to time and will notify you of such amendments by posting updated versions of the privacy statement on our website.