Terms, Conditions & Privacy Policy


These terms and conditions govern your use of this website (hereafter referenced as the Website), including the use and sale of Wynnum Fringe tickets, merchandise, vouchers and donations (Services) through the Website and Wynnum Fringe Box Offices. By using the Website or acquiring Services you acknowledge that you have read, understood and are bound by these terms and conditions (Agreement). If you do not understand the Agreement, or do not accept any part of it, then you may not use the Website or Services.

In this Agreement:

‘Ticket’ means a Wynnum Fringe ticket (whether printed or electronic) to an Event.

‘Event’ means an event, concert, or performance that is registered with Wynnum Fringe, or for which Wynnum Fringe sells tickets, unless stated otherwise throughout this Agreement. 

‘Content’ means any content or material on the Website and any content filmed or live within an Event.

‘Intellectual Property’ means any intellectual property rights whatsoever, whether registered or not, whether arising now or in the future, on any legal basis and in any jurisdiction, including rights in relation to copyright, patents, inventions, trade mark, design, trade secrets, know how, goodwill, reputation and confidential information.

‘LPA’ means Live Performance Australia. 

‘Presenter’ means the owner or publisher of an Event.

‘We’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ means TWO Festivals Pty Ltd trading as Wynnum Fringe (ABN 90 647 055 721) (Wynnum Fringe).

‘You’ means the person using the Website, acquiring a Ticket either online, via the Wynnum Fringe Office Phone or at a Wynnum Fringe Box Office or seeking to attend or view an Event.

Intellectual Property Rights

The material on this Website and all Content and Intellectual Property in the same is protected and property of Wynnum Fringe or the respective owner.

Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, you do not have any right, title, or interest in any Intellectual Property in any material or Content. You may use it for your personal and non-commercial purposes only. You must not otherwise use, copy, modify, transmit, store, publish, exploit, rent, lease, loan, sell, or distribute this material or Content or Intellectual Property, or create any derivative works, without written permission from us and, if applicable, the respective owner.

You must not use any logos or other trademarks displayed on the Website, whether registered or not, or modify them in any way without written permission from us or the owner.

Without limiting the above, you acknowledge that the Presenter is the owner or the licensee of all Intellectual Property of the Event.

Website Content & Service

Wynnum Fringe may at its discretion and without giving notice alter, remove or suspend any part of the Website and any Content. In no event will Wynnum Fringe be liable for any loss or damage arising as a result of any such change made to the Website or Content.

While we aim to ensure all information on the Website is up-to-date, details may change from time to time.

You are not allowed to and agree not to circumvent, disable, fraudulently engage with, or otherwise interfere with any part of the Website or Content (or attempt to do any of these things).

We do not guarantee uninterrupted, fault-free or error-free Services or use of the Website

The Website may contain links to other websites, content or services. We do not guarantee that the links, or any content to which they link, will be functional, accurate, secure or up-to-date and you use any other website or content at your own risk and you agree to comply with the terms and conditions applicable to that website or service. Wynnum Fringe is not liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of your non-compliance with a third party’s terms and conditions.


To use some Services on this Website, including purchasing tickets, you must create an Wynnum Fringe online account (Account). To do so, you must have an email address. By creating an Account, you agree to receive notices from Wynnum Fringe at this email address.

You must be at least 18 years of age (or the applicable age of majority in your jurisdiction) to create an Account. If you are under 18 years of age but at least 13 years old then you may present this Agreement to your parent or legal guardian and they may create an Account on your behalf.

You are responsible for all activity that occurs under your Account, including unauthorised activity.

You must safeguard the confidentiality of all your account credentials. If you are using a computer that others have access to, you must log out of your account after each session. If you become aware of unauthorised access to your account, you must change your password and notify us immediately.

Wynnum Fringe may, at its discretion and at any time, suspend an Account without prior notice.

If you register with the Website on behalf of another individual, you must ensure that the other person is aware of and agrees to this Agreement, and you warrant that you have done so and are authorised to bind that other person.

You are responsible for the security and proper use of all passwords and links in relation to your Account and must take all necessary steps to ensure that all passwords and links are kept confidential, and are used properly and not disclosed to unauthorised people. You will be responsible for all activities using your Account. You must inform Wynnum Fringe immediately if you have any reason to believe that any passwords/URLs in relation to your Account have become known to someone not authorised to use it or if any passwords are being or likely to be used in an unauthorised way.

In the unusual circumstance that a customer does not have an email address and is issued a ticket at the box office, Wynnum Fringe will not be liable for contacting the ticket holder in the case of any event changes or cancellations. Wynnum Fringe will not be held responsible for providing a remedy for any information that is missed by the customer when an email address is not provided.

Ticketing Information

All Wynnum Fringe tickets are sold on behalf of the organisation or artists responsible for providing the Event. All Wynnum Fringe ticket prices are stated in Australian dollars and include GST where applicable. All tickets are subject to any additional conditions applicable to the specific Event notified at the time of sale by Wynnum Fringe or by the venue (as applicable).

Wynnum Fringe issues tickets in accordance with the LPA Ticketing Code of Practice. For a copy of the LPA Ticketing Code for consumers please click here.

Tickets will be issued as e-tickets only. 

All details relating to ticket bookings, including methods for purchasing Tickets (and opening hours, if applicable) transaction fees, refunds and exchanges are available here.

When purchasing Tickets, you agree that you will abide by any government, venue or Event requirements in effect at the time of the Event. If you do not comply with these government, Venue or Event requirements, you may be refused entry into the Event and will not receive a refund (unless required by law).

You must check the Event and Venue listing to ensure you comply with requirements at the time of your attendance. Failing to do so will result in no admittance nor remedy (unless required by law). This messaging will be clearly indicated on each venue and event at www.wynnumfringe.com.

If an Event is cancelled, Wynnum Fringe assumes no obligation for arranging a substitute Event or performance.

Wynnum Fringe (including via the Event organisers) reserve the right to alter ticket prices, audience capacity or seating arrangements at their discretion, for Events.

Ticket Resale

Wynnum Fringe is the only authorised ticket seller for Events. We strongly recommend that you only purchase tickets from an authorised ticket seller.

Tickets may not be re-sold or offered for resale for more than 110% of the original ticket price (excluding transaction fees). If a Ticket is sold or offered for resale in breach of this condition, Wynnum Fringe reserves the right to cancel the Ticket without a refund and the bearer of the Ticket may be refused admission. If you have purchased a ticket and can no longer attend the Event, you can pass on your ticket or sell it to a friend in accordance with reselling laws. You will be liable for all refunds in the event of a cancellation. If there’s a change to the Event you will be responsible for passing this information onto the ticket holder.

Ticketing Fees

Our standard booking fee is A$2.00 per ticket plus a 3.8% transaction fee (charged on the Wynnum Fringe website, when making a purchase through tix.wynnumfringe.com and at Wynnum Fringe Box Offices).

All Wynnum Fringe tickets include a A$2.00 per ticket Artist Inside Charge (inclusive of GST) per ticket included in the advertised ticket price.

Fees explained

This booking fee covers bank charges, the cost of the ticketing platform, our website, employing local ticketing staff and building our Box Offices.

Refunds – Events

Refunds or exchanges may be considered in compliance with the Terms and Conditions as outlined under the LPA Ticketing Code of Practice and under Australian Law. If Wynnum Fringe permits an exchange, an exchange service fee of $10.00 will apply. This fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Please see the exchange conditions as outlined below.

If an Event is cancelled, the cost of your tickets will be refunded in line with the LPA Ticketing Code of Practice.

Refunds for tickets purchased by credit card via the Website or Office Phone will be refunded automatically to that credit card. Tickets purchased by EFTPOS at one of our Box Office locations will be refunded by a bank transfer. In this instance, you will be required to provide Wynnum Fringe with your direct deposit information in order for your refund to be processed.

Wynnum Fringe tickets purchased by Voucher will be refunded back to a replacement voucher. A new voucher code will be sent to you via email. Vouchers have an expiry date of three years from the date of purchase. No cash refunds will be issued for purchases made by voucher.

If the advertised ticket price is discounted after you purchase your tickets, you are not entitled to a partial or full refund.

In the event that you are entitled to a refund due to a major change (in accordance with the LPA Ticketing Code of Practice), the refund must be actioned prior to the time of the Event. If you attend the Event, or do not contact Wynnum Fringe prior to the Event, you are not entitled to a refund. No refunds will be issued at the time of, or after the Event takes place.

Dissatisfaction of an Event does not entitle you to an exchange or refund, as per the LPA Ticketing Code of Practice.

Transaction Fees may not be refunded in the event of a cancellation.

If the event becomes adversely affected or cancelled as a result of severely inclement weather; order of emergency works by a competent authority; action by our landlords, the local authority or any other competent authority, or other circumstances beyond our control, any present or future statute, law, ordinance, regulation, order judgment or decree; act of God, earthquake, flood, fire, pandemic, epidemic, accident, explosion or casualty; lockout, boycott, strike, riot, civil disturbance, threat or act of terrorism, war or armed conflict (whether or not there has been an official declaration of war or official statement as to the existence of a state of war), invasion, occupation, intervention of military forces, act of public enemy, embargo, delay of a common carrier, or any other similar or dissimilar cause or causes outside the reasonable control of either party, then we shall not be liable for a refund.

Exchanges – Events

Wynnum Fringe offers exchanges on tickets for Events if all of the following conditions are met:

  • the request for an exchange is submitted to Wynnum Fringe in writing by emailing boxoffice@wynnumfringe.com;
  • the request for an exchange is made at a minimum of 24 hours prior to the original performance start time;
  • the original performance is not sold out;
  • the performance you are requesting to exchange into must be of equal or greater value. You will be required to pay the difference in ticket price if it is greater, you will not be refunded any difference in ticket price; and
  • the customer has provided proof of the destruction of the original tickets, should printed tickets have been issued.

Concession Card Holders

Holders of valid concession cards are eligible for Concession price Wynnum Fringe tickets, where applicable. This includes Seniors Card holders, full-time students, health care card holders, and Veteran Card holders. You may be asked to show your valid concession card when purchasing your Wynnum Fringe tickets, or upon entering the venue and may be denied entry should you fail to supply valid ID relating to your concession.

Companion Cards

All ticketed Wynnum Fringe Events accept the Companion Card and will issue a free companion ticket when purchased with an accompanying paying ticket. The request for a companion ticket is submitted to Wynnum Fringe in writing by emailing boxoffice@wynnumfringe.com with a Companion Card.

When Companion tickets are being purchased over the counter, the ticket seller may ask for the Companion Card number. When attending an Event, the venue staff may ask to see the Companion Card on entry. Failure to present a Companion Card may result in refusal of entry. 


Venue and Event staff reserve the right to deny entry to an Event if you arrive late. Many Events have a strict no-latecomer policy and no refunds will be issued if you are denied entry. Latecomer policies are in place to prevent disruption to the performers and other audience members. Events will endeavour to commence at the advertised time, please ensure you are at the Event well in advance of the performance start time.

Ratings and Content Warnings

Wynnum Fringe is an open access and curated festival, and does not see or curate all the works prior to the festival. All Events are self-rated by the artists or producers or Presenters associated with an Event. Wynnum Fringe does not take any responsibility for an incorrect rating, or unsuitability of an Event.

Unless an Event is categorised as a Kids and Family Event, the content may not be suitable for all ages. It is your responsibility to check the suitability of an Event for any children for whom you are purchasing tickets. This includes when purchasing tickets at a Box Office.

The venue which you are attending reserves the right to request proof of age identification before permitting entry into an Event, and may deny entry if the work is not deemed suitable for children.

Some venues may have liquor licensing in place that does not allow under 18s entrance past a certain time, even if accompanied by an adult. If unsure, you are advised to contact the venue.

The rating 18+ is strictly restricted to patrons 18 or older. This could be due to content of the Event or liquor licensing regulations at the venue. If you purchase a ticket that is for an 18+ performance and you are denied admittance, you will not be refunded the ticket price. 

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the program and its details, however Event details, prices and ratings are subject to change wherever necessary and without notice.

Dissatisfaction with the content or rating of an Event or Digital Event does not entitle the customer to a refund.

Fringe Vouchers

Vouchers can be redeemed on any Event, and merchandise.

As of July 29th 2024, all Fringe vouchers are valid for three years from the date of purchase (unless otherwise stated). 

Vouchers will not be replaced if lost or stolen. Please treat your voucher as if it were cash, they cannot be reissued and Wynnum Fringe takes no responsibility if your voucher is misplaced and is then redeemed by another customer.

If you purchased a ticket to an Event with a voucher and that Event is cancelled and you are entitled to a refund, your refund will be automatically returned to a replacement voucher. This voucher sits against your account and can only be redeemed by you. In this instance you will receive a new voucher code.

Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash.


Wynnum Fringe reserves the right to make alterations to the Fringe Membership scheme and its benefits from time to time and without prior notice.

Wynnum Fringe reserves the right to offer promotions, benefits or competitions to select members and categories at any time.

Member deals, discounts and offers are not eligible to be backdated, and are only valid for the promotional period or until Wynnum Fringe states the offer has ended or a capacity has been reached.


In the event that for any reason whatsoever a winner does not claim the prize within the outlined timeframe, the winner will automatically forfeit any right or interest in the prize.

In the absence of a listed date, winners will have 5 business days to claim their prize.

It is a condition of accepting the prize that the winner must comply with all the conditions of use of the prize and the prize supplier’s requirements.

Prizes and giveaways are not transferable and cannot be exchanged or redeemed for cash.


If you are unsure if a payment has gone through on the Wynnum Fringe Website, please contact Wynnum Fringe by calling 0411 405 733 or by emailing boxoffice@wynnumfringe.com immediately.

If payment has been unsuccessful, we can happily help you secure your tickets through our Office Phone. We are unable to provide a refund for duplicate bookings, so if you are unsure, it is best to check with us before proceeding on a secondary transaction.

Wynnum Fringe accepts domestic cards and international cards.

Security & Privacy

You are responsible for the security of your username and password.

We do not guarantee that this Website or any third party website linked to this Website is free from viruses or other material that could affect your device. You should take your own precautions against these risks.

You can read our full Privacy Policy here.


Our Website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device. They are created when you visit a website, to help the website owner to manage how their site is used, including tracking users’ movements between pages or visits, keeping information voluntarily given by the user and matching a user’s historical preferences with content and advertising that may be of greater relevance to them, to make the user’s experience more personal.

Please refer to our full Privacy Policy linked above for more information about how we use cookies.

Disclaimers and Liability

Your access to and use of this Website and Content is at your own risk and we will not accept any liability in relation to it, other than to the extent the liability that cannot be excluded under applicable laws.

Australian Consumer Law provides certain statutory guarantees for consumers which cannot be excluded. Nothing in these terms and conditions modifies or excludes those guarantees.

To the extent permitted by law, Wynnum Fringe will not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or injury to the extent arising under or in connection with this Agreement, including from:

  • your access to and use of the Website or any related Content or information;
  • your attendance at or viewing of any Event;
  • your purchase of Wynnum Fringe tickets;
  • your negligent acts or omissions;
  • any pre-existing medical condition;
  • your breach of this Agreement; or
  • your reliance on reviews or opinions about Events and performers.

You should make your own further enquiries before deciding whether an Event is suitable.

You are responsible for your personal possessions such as bags, mobile phones and other items you carry with you to venues.

Wynnum Fringe does not promise that the Website, or any Content, service or feature of the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that any defects will be corrected. Such things are provided on an “as-is” basis and “available” basis without any warranty of any kind whether express or implied.

Wynnum Fringe reserves the right, without notice, to do any of the following at any time:

  • to modify, interrupt, suspend or terminate operation of or access to the Website, or any portion of the Website; and
  • to modify or change the Website, and any policies or terms.


Wynnum Fringe has the right to terminate your access to the Website at any time, without notice, for any reasons, including without limitation, breach of this Agreement.

Donations at point of sale

By donating to Queensland Fringe Foundation Limited at the time of ticket purchase you agree to be contacted by Wynnum Fringe in regards to fundraising campaigns, including but not limited to, contact by email or phone.

All donations are not tax deductible and your order confirmation is your receipt. Queensland Fringe Foundation Limited is a registered charity on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) applying for DGR1 status (Deductible Gift Recipient).


We may amend this Agreement by updating them on our Website. Your continued use of the Website is deemed to be an acceptance by you of any such amendments. 

Wynnum Fringe Newsletter sign up

By signing up to Wynnum Fringe Newsletter, you are giving Wynnum Fringe permission to send you information related to Fringe and other third parties. 

Once subscribed to our newsletter database, you will receive news and information about Wynnum Fringe events, achievements and campaigns. 

In each newsletter edition, there will be an unsubscribe button. If you wish to discontinue receiving newsletter from us, simply click unsubscribe and you will be permanently removed from our database. 

Please note that once you unsubscribe you will have to manually sign yourself up to our database again if you ever wish to re-subscribe. 

Governing Law

These Terms are governed by the laws of Queensland, Australia. (Festival House, 381 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006).